viernes, 21 de junio de 2013

Boating Savvy – What KNOT To Do: Often-overlooked and Lesser-known Keys To Safe and Smart Power Boating

Boating Savvy – What KNOT To Do: Often-overlooked and Lesser-known Keys To Safe and Smart Power Boating

Short Description:
This insightful, informative and current guide outlines often-overlooked and lesser-known keys to safe and smart recreational power boating that you won't find anywhere else. It offers excellent safety advice, helpful how-to info, wise ways to avoid a variety of costly problems, and even a few tips that will save you fuel while boating. (It has very little to do with actual knots;)

Full Description:
Welcome to BOATING SAVVY: What KNOT To Do™; an insightf

Rating: 0 5 Boating Savvy   What KNOT To Do: Often overlooked and Lesser known Keys To Safe and Smart Power Boating(out of reviews)

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